Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Geocachers Should have Personal Stamp

I was thinking today on how close letterboxing and geocaching really are. I was also thinking about how much I have learned from each of these activities, and have been able to apply some of the techniques of one to the other. For example, I have been taking a little more time to camouflage my letterbox containers better, so that if they are not re-hide well, at least they will not have a glaring red lid beaming its location all about. I am doing this mainly form seeing many of the geocaches I’ve found camouflaged well and they seem to stick out less.

One thing that I would like to see geocachers do is carry a personal stamp to stamp the logbooks of the geocaches they have found. I have one for letterboxing and a separate one for geocaching. Here is my reason for this. I am seeing a lot more cachers not exchanging items with the caches anymore. I am seeing a lot of TB’s getting moved around and messages like SLTN, in the logbooks. So why not leave a stamp imprint in the logbook? The cacher who hides the cache pays a lot of money and goes through a lot of effort to hide a good box. And when they come to check on the cache, more times than not the box needs more good swag and a new logbook. Wouldn’t it be a nice gesture to leave something for the person who hides the box in the logbook? I think that it would show that the finder appreciates a good hide and the effort that the hider is going through to maintain the box. I think that TN, but stamped in, would be much better than SLTN.

Your stamp can be hand carved, store bought or custom made, it just needs to say something about you, or mean something to you. Letterboing.org talks a lot about this if your are interested.

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