Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My Letterbox was Found

My Col Williams Letterbox was found the other day after I had retired it a month ago. The persistent letterboxer found the box about 5 feet from my original place. The irony is that I would have found it if I was searching for it, but since I placed it I knew where it was supposed to be and when I didn't see it I actually searched around for evidence that it was muggled, not that someone moved and hide it. I didn't think that another boxer re-hid the letterbox in what they thought was a better location. I will remember that if it happens again.

I have it ready now to be placed again. I am going to place it in a better, more secure spot as this box gets a lot of traffic, so I am going to try and find a hiding spot that will be a little more out of sight of possible muggles. It is in in a new lock and lock and has a 100 page logbook. I even camoed it. I hope to have it back in commission by this weekend.

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