New York Letterbox Hiking Challenge Patch launched by Jackbear is an excellent idea!! See contact information below and in the side menu. Check out his blog for the complete information.
Jackbear blog about how to earn this patch.
I have long wished that there would be more letterboxes planted in areas of interest that required a little more hiking than many of the boxes located in my area do. I understand why many boxes are planted where they are, very near the road or in parks. Many boxers themselves are reluctant to venture in to the woods too far; also many of the boxes that are planted deep in the woods are not visited that often and are a little more difficult to maintain. Let's face it many new boxers and I was one myself, want to visit their box and see the log book full of visitors. That is not going to happen with the deep woods hides. I have one the Fishbrook Lb that has not been found in two years and the hike in is not that bad.
Any how I think that Jackbear's idea of a hiking challenge patch is a great idea, that will hopefully get more people out hiking. Not only for the sake of looking for letterboxes, but to learn new skills and to have a fun filled adventuresome day that does not cost very much! Yes hiking is cheap, you just have to learn a little about hiking safety and you will have all you need to enjoy hours of fun outside, away from technology, and yes giving your body the exercise that it craves.
According to Jackbear's rules this is what you have to do to earn his NY patch.
The guidelines? - Each foot mile you hike in NY while letterboxing counts.
You keep track, and this patch is on the honor system. We won’t challenge your
numbers, but you should challenge yourself. We recommend that you only count
miles on the trail to and from letterboxes in NY, NOT miles driven to
letterboxes…this is a “hiking/letterboxing” patch. We also encourage
participants to make hikes that are at least one mile or more (i.e. 0.5 miles to
a letterbox, and back)…yes, this is also a “challenge” patch. Miles can be
counting finding, planting, and maintaining letterboxes.
- Challenge Patches will be available for both residents and non-residents completing a challenge.
- Start date for counting begins today, April 2 2009. Hikes while letterboxing before
this date should not be included.
- Patches can be ordered by sending an SASE to Jackbear for a $3. Payment can be via paypal, cash, check, or money order.
-Your SASE can be mailed to John Ballou, 200 Hillside Ave. Rochester, NY 14610.
Patches will also be available at gatherings in NY attended by Jackbear, Scout,
or Sahalie.
Contact information for Jackbear
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